Our Accreditations

CentralNic CentralNic CentralNic
nic.ac .ac Ascension Island nic.ac
aeDA .ae United Arab Emirates aeDA
nic.af .af Afghanistan nic.af
nic.ag .ag Antiqua and Barbuda nic.ag
nic.com.ai .ai Anguilla nic.com.ai
amnic.net .am Armenia amnic.net
Dot Asia Organisation .asia Asia Dot Asia Organisation
nic.as .as American Samoa nic.as
nic.at .at Austia nic.at
Janet .ac.uk United Kingdom Janet
nic.bi .bi Burundi nic.bi
Neustar .biz Neustar
nic.bz .bz Belize nic.bz
Cocos (Keeling) Island .cc Cocos (Keeling) Island Cocos (Keeling) Island
Dot CF .cf Central African Republic Dot CF
Neulevel .cn China Neulevel
Verisign .com Verisign
Christmas Island .cx Cocos (Keeling) Island Christmas Island
DNNext .co.de DNNext DNNext
DK-Hostmaster .dk Denmark DK-Hostmaster
nic.dm .dm DotDM nic.dm
Red.ES .es Spain Red.ES
EURid .eu Europe EURid
dot.fm .fm dotFM dot.fm
AFnic .fr France AFnic
nic.ga .ga Gabon nic.ga
Meridian TLD Corp. .gd Grenada Meridian TLD Corp.
nic.gg .gg Guernsey nic.gg
nic.gl .gl Greenland nic.gl
Cocca .gs South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Cocca
Cocca .gy Guyana Cocca
HKDNR .hk Hong Kong HKDNR
nic.hn .hn Honduras nic.hn
Cocca .ht Haiti Cocca
IEDR .ie Ireland IEDR
nic.im .im Isle of Man nic.im
nic.in .in India nic.in
nic.io .io British Indian Ocean Territory nic.io
Afilias .info Afilias
nic.is .is Iceland nic.is
nic.it .it Italy nic.it
nic.je .je Jersey nic.je
Cocca .ki Kiribati Cocca
LA Names Corporation .la Laos LA Names Corporation
nic.lc .lc Saint Lucia nic.lc
DomReg.lt .lt Lithuania DomReg.lt
Cert.LV .lv Latvia Cert.LV
Restena .lu Luxembourg Restena
nic ME .me Montenegro nic ME
Dot ML .ml Mali Dot ML
Nic.MN .mn Monoglia Nic.MN
mTLD.mobi .mobi mTLD.mobi
MNI Networks .ms Montserrat MNI Networks
nic.mu .mu Mauritius nic.mu
nic MX .mx Mexico nic MX
NA-NiC .na Namibia NA-NiC
Global Name Registry .name Global Name Registry
Verisign .net Verisign
nic.nf .nf Norfolk Island nic.nf
nic.nl .nl Netherlands nic.nl
co.nl .co.nl Netherlands co.nl
co.no .co.no Norway co.no
DNNext .co.nu DNNext DNNext
DNCL .nz New Zealand DNCL via BB Online UK Limited
Public Interest Registry .org Public Interest Registry
dns.pl .pl Poland dns.pl
AFnic .pm Saint Pierre & Miquelon AFnic
nic.ps .ps Palestine nic.ps
DNS PT .pt Portugal DNS PT
.PW Registry .pw Professional Web .PW Registry
AFnic .re Réunion AFnic
ROTLD .ro Romania ROTLD
RU Center .ru Russia RU Center
nic.sb .sb Solomon Islands nic.sb
nic.sc .sc Seychelles nic.sc
nic.se .se Sweden nic.se
nic.sh .sh Saint Helena nic.sh
SX Registry SA .sx Sint Maarten SX Registry SA
Meridian TLD Corp. .tc Turks and Caicos Islands Meridian TLD Corp.
Telnic .tel Telnic
AFnic .tf Territory of the French Southern & Antarctic Lands AFnic
nic.tl .tl Timor-Leste nic.tl
TW nic .tw Taiwan TW nic
TV nic .tv Tuvalu TV nic
registry.co.ug .ug Uganda registry.co.ug
Nominet .uk United Kingdom Nominet
nic.vc .vc St. Vincent and the Grenedines nic.vc
Meridian TLD Corp. .vg British Virgin Islands Meridian TLD Corp.
AFnic .wf Wallis & Futuna Islands AFnic
ICM Registry .xxx Adult Entertainment Online ICM Registry
AFnic .yt Mayotte AFnic
UniForum SA .co.za South Africa UniForum SA


Our Accreditations