Complaint Procedure / Abuse Reporting

Complaint Procedure

Please contact us by telephone or email and we will attempt to resolve all enquiries promptly.

If this issue is of a technical nature or cannot be immediately resolved, we will provide you with an expected time of when the issue should be resolved.

In the rare cases when an issue needs to be escalated an internal ticket will be raised and will not be closed until we notify you of the outcome.

If your are not satisfied with our response we will refer the matter to a senior member of staff who will re-examine the issue. The manager will attempt to resolve your issue.

DomainRecover deals with registries around the globe, some of these local registries have manual systems and limited techical capabilities, in these cases the time to resolution may be longer than we will normally be happy with. However we will still keep you informed and provide you an estimate of a fix time.

Please feel free to contact us at any time, we strive to give you a positive quality service, and we will always do everything we can reasonably do to solve your issues in an efficient manner.

We will respond to you within 2 business days.

Tel: +44 (0)1582 572148

Fax: +44 (0)1582 585057

Email for general complaints:

Abuse Reporting

If you wish to report an instance of abuse, lease contact us by telephone, email or complee the form below and we will attempt to resolve all enquiries promptly.

What Constitutes An Abuse Issue?

Issues are grouped into various types. Mainly: Illegal Websites, Spam, Phishing, Trademark Abuse, or other related issues.

Illegal Websites
Examples of these are:
  • Child pornography.
  • Extreme or violent activity, including sexual activity.
  • Revenge porn.
  • Malicious communications, including forums that promote racial or religious abuse.
  • Illegal activities, such as money laundering, fraud, terrorism, or gang activity.
  • Libellous websites that spread ‘fake news’ or other hateful or hurtful content.
  • Illegally copied digital content such as books, magazines, films, music, and podcasts.
When one of the domain names in our control is sending spam.
When of of the domain names in our control is being used as a cloak to gain access to users passwords or accounts, by behaving in a way to immiating some other site. i.e. Their bank, telephone provider etc.
Trademark Abuse
If you believe your trademark is being abused:
  • Please supply the URL and the Trademark details
If you have any other issue that is not related to any of the issues above please contact our team.

Contact Information:

Tel: +44 (0)1582 572148

Fax: +44 (0)1582 585057

Email for reporting abuse:

Abuse Reporting Form

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
By making an abuse report, the complainant implicitly acknowledges that:
DomainRecover will maintain records of all abuse claims for at least two years.
Permission is granted to DomainRecover to provide these details to ICANN if requested to do so.

Please verify you are not a robot by entering the code in the image below before clicking the 'Send Abuse Report' button.